eliana agudelo

Senior Physician Assistant

Eliana Agudelo is a physician assistant with the UCSF Liver Transplant Program. She manages the care of patients after liver transplant surgery.

Agudelo's research focuses on managing care for liver transplant patients.

Agudelo earned her postgraduate physician assistant degree, with a concentration in general surgery, from St. John's University. At the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, she completed a hepatology fellowship with an emphasis on liver transplantation and viral hepatitis.

Agudelo is a member of numerous professional societies, including the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, where she co-chairs the Advance Transplant Provider Committee, and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, where she serves on the surgery and liver transplant committee. She is also a member of the California Academy of Physician Assistants and the UCSF Advanced Health Providers Board.

Agudelo raises funds for the American Liver Foundation.

Department Title: 
Abdominal Transplant
Person Practice Category: